Thực tập, việc làm

Thông báo tuyển dụng của KPMG

Thông báo tuyển dụng của KPMG

KPMG in Vietnam is excited to launch the Ambassadors Program 2022! We're searching for a broad group of talents from Vietnam universities who are passionate about KPMG Employer Branding and are eager to share KPMG values to others.

As KPMG Ambassadors, we:

✅ We ARE 2nd and 3rd-year students of universities in Vietnam.
✅ We HAVE a major in Accounting, Auditing, Tax, Law, Finance, Business, Information Technology, etc.
✅ We ARE passionate about joining KPMG.
✅ We HAVE strong communication skills.

As KPMG Ambassadors, our roles and benefits:

✨ We will share experience and information with students and help with KPMG career fairs, university workshops/forums, office visits, etc.
✨ We will have the opportunity to participate in KPMG events to better understand our culture.
✨ We will meet excellent people through networking sessions and access to KPMG leaders and staff.

If you are ready to make an impact as KPMG Ambassadors, APPLY NOW!📣

👉Submit your CV and Cover letter to with subject "KPMG Ambassador Application - Fullname" before 3 July 2022!